VP PHOTO TIP 21: On grey, cloudy days you may want to use a reflector (a piece of paper or foil) to throw light into a subject, particularly eyes if you are shooting portraits

VP PHOTO TIP 22: Try to use natural light wherever possible instead of a flash for better effects. Revisit the location if you think it will be better at another time

VP PHOTO TIP 23: Think about contrasting colours to create better effects in your photos

VP PHOTO TIP 24: Think carefully about whether a photograph should be taken in landscape or portrait. Vertical photographs suggest action and are best used for sports and portraits. Whereas a horizontal format is better for subjects with less immediacy

VP PHOTO TIP 25: Similarly you may want to add an emotive value to a photograph by either tilting up or down on a subject. Looking up at someone suggests power, strength etc. Whereas looking down can make them seem small, insignificant, weak etc.

For other travel photography tips see:
part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | part 4

Visited Planet also has a photographic course offered by correspondence.

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Jo at [email protected] with your comments/thoughts/photo aspirations.  See and learn more at www.visitedplanet.com
